Woman Gets Shocking Response When She Called 911

Daily Report May 19,2024

A mother who called 911 during a home invasion said she got one of the most shocking responses when a dispatcher answered her call.

The mother, identified as Michelle, said she called 911 six times when Two men broke into her home in Chicago. She said she had left her door open at about 12:30 p.m. after letting her dog out. The intruders took advantage of the opened door and got into her home.

Michelle said she warned the two men that she was calling the police when she saw them

men standing inside her home.

“I saw two men wearing masks standing inside my house,’ ‘I screamed – ‘I am calling the police’ and they bolted,” Michelle, adding that her neighbors helped her chase the intruders away.


Michelle, who wanted to remain anonymous, said she had called the police. Michelle said the dispatcher first told her that help was on the way.

“They told me dispatch was on the way and wait outside,” she said.

After waiting for a long time, she called back but didn’t get anyone to answer her call until the sixth time. Michelle said she asked for a Supervisor, and that was when she got the shock of her life.

She said the dispatcher told her to call her local politicians if she wanted help from the police.

“A gentleman got on and said sorry to say we have no units to send you…then there was an awkward pause,’ she told NBC Chicago. “He also recommended I call my alderman, and I said why- and he said, ‘encourage him to hire more police.’”

Michelle’s shock increased significantly when the dispatcher suggested she grab a weapon and defend herself against the two men.

“The dispatcher also asked me if I would consider defending myself …if I had a weapon or considered getting one,” she added.

Police, however, showed up at Michelle’s home more than four hours after the incident.

“The officers who did show up cared and were apologetic it took so long to get them there,” she said.

Michelle’s alderman,  1st Ward Alderman Daniel La Spata, released a statement saying it was “awful” that Michelle had to experience that.

“It is awful that our neighbor experienced this, everyone deserves to feel safe in their home. My staff alerted me to the issue as soon as they heard, and I am in contact with 12th District Police leadership. I will continue to support any resources our districts request, and I will continue to work with the City on a proposed satellite location within West Town for the 12th District police,” the statement reads.

The Chicago mother said she called the alderman’s office and is waiting to meet with him in person.