US Faces Increased Terror Attack

Daily Report June 05,2024

Top national security officials have warned Americans of an imminent terror attack on U.S. soil. In a hearing before the House of Judiciary Committee, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland expressed concern about a potential attack after Oct. 7, citing an extreme threat level.

“I am worried about the possibility of a terrorist attack in the country after October 7,” Garland said. “The threat level for us has gone up enormously.”

On the other hand, FBI Director Christopher Wray stated that threats from foreign terrorists have risen to a new level.

Wray added that since he became the FBI Director, the FBI has disrupted multiple attacks in U.S. cities. The FBI director also highlighted the threat to Jewish Americans who have faced numerous hate crimes.


“We have seen an elevated threat to the Jewish community in the U.S.,” Wray said. “Religiously motivated hate crimes close to 60% of them are targeted at the Jewish community.”

In addition, Wray expressed concerns about the number of individuals entering the country through the U.S.-Mexico border with fake documents. According to Wray, illegal individuals can easily blend in with American citizens, making it hard for them to be tracked.

“Individuals who, when they come in, are armed with fake documents or snuck in some way or individuals of whom there’s not enough derogatory information in the intelligence community to watchlist them have been of particular concern,” Wray said.

He also highlighted increasing threats from cyber attacks and the alarming rise in fentanyl smuggling enough to wipe out an entire state.

“One of those FBI raids in New Mexico found enough fentanyl to kill every person in the state along with hand grenades, ballistic vests, you know, the whole nine yards. The fentanyl problem is tied to the other side of the border,” Wray said.

Wray’s warnings stem from his previous testimony in December, where he stated that he had never seen a time when so many threats were elevated simultaneously. Wray’s warnings highlight a state of alert, urging the public to remain calm and vigilant.