Trump Takes Huge Step Towards November Victory 

Daily Report April 07,2024

Former President Donald Trump on Saturday achieved a huge milestone that left many of his rivals running for cover.

According to the Republican National Committee (RNC), the former president’s campaign brought in a mouth-watering over $50.5 million at a campaign fundraiser in Palm Beach, Florida. The Saturday haul nearly doubled the $26 million President Joe Biden brought in at a New York City fundraiser on March 28.


RNC Chair Michael Whatley and Co-Chair Lara Trump, in a joint statement, insisted that the $50.5 million brought in proves that Americans are fed up with Biden’s record.

“The success of tonight’s event is proving what we already know: Americans are fed up with Biden’s record of failure, from the open southern border and sky-high inflation to the migrant crime crisis that has made everyone less safe,” the statement reads. “The Republican Party is united behind the effort to elect President Donald J. Trump, and Americans are lining up to join our movement and retire Crooked Joe Biden once and for all.”

Trump campaign senior advisors Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles also released a joint statement, stating that the former president’s latest haul makes it clear that the Trump campaign has enough resources to win in November.

“Tonight will be an incredible night for President Trump and the Republican Party, raising an astounding $50.5 million,” LaCivita and Wiles said in the statement. “Meanwhile, after locking up the nomination in one of the fastest primaries in modern political history, Donald J. Trump is winning poll after poll and proving that the enthusiasm is on his side. It’s clearer than ever that we have the message, the operation, and the money to propel President Trump to victory on November 5.”

Trump’s latest victory comes after his campaign, alongside the RNC and their affiliated entities, brought in a mouth-watering $65.6 million haul in March. Wiles revealed that the majority of the donations came from voters.

“Our March numbers are a testament to the overwhelming support for President Trump by voters all across the spectrum. Republicans may not be beneficiaries of the self-interested largess from Hollywood and Silicon Valley elites, but President Trump is proud to be supported by donations from voters who are the backbone of this nation, which will fuel Republicans up and down the ballot,” Wiles said.