Trump Secure Major Endorsement 

Daily Report April 03,2024

Former president Donald Trump’s match to the White House gained steam on Tuesday when the former president received his latest endorsement. 

On Tuesday, the Police Officers Association of Michigan (POAM) endorsed the former president during his visit to the state.

POAM President James Tignanelli, during the former president’s campaign event with law enforcement officers, cited the ongoing border crisis under President Joe Biden’s administration as the reason why his association is picking Trump.

“Why would you expect people to obey the law when millions are rewarded for disobeying it?” Tignanelli asked. “We need you to make America look great again. Today, On behalf of 12,000 Law Enforcement people that the Police Officers Association of Michigan represent—We want you to accept our endorsement for President of the United States.”

The former president accepted the endorsement, vowing to make the group proud.

“Thank you very much. That is very nice. That’s a great honor and we will make you proud,” Trump said after shaking Tignanelli’s hand on stage.

According to reports on Breitbart News, Trump is currently leading Joe Biden in Michigan following results from a poll conducted by Spry Strategies. The former president leads his successor 48% to 43.7% in a one-on-one matchup. The other 8.3% of respondents said they were unsure who to back.

Trump also leads Biden, albeit with a closer margin, when independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is included in the race. The poll showed that 43% of respondents would pick the former president over both men, with 38.9% picking Biden. Kennedy Jr. gained just 8.8%, with 3.8% opting for a different candidate. Just 4.6% say they are unsure who they would pick in both men.

The poll also found that the majority of Michigan voters (51.6%) feel their economic and financial safety was better under the former president’s leadership than the Biden administration. Just 37.1 percent preferred their economic and financial safety better under Joe Biden.

According to Breitbart News, The poll sampled 709 likely voters in the state from March 25-28.

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