Trump Puts The Fear Of God Into J6 Committee Members 

Daily Report April 20,2024

Members of the January 6 Select Committee are concerned that one of their worst nightmares might come to pass after they spent years spinning their investigation.

According to Breitbart News, members of the committee have expressed fears that they would be arrested if former President Donald Trump wins the White House in November. Their fears arose from Trump’s Truth Social, where he said former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), a member of the committee, “should go to Jail along with the rest of the Unselect Committee!”

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), who peddled the Russian Collusion Hoax and lied that there was “more than circumstantial evidence” that Trump Colluded with Russia, told CBS News in a recent piece that he and his family are already considering the implication of Trump November victory.

“My wife and I have had conversations about what life would look like if the worst happened… . You can’t avoid the conversations about ‘What if?’ And I have to think about my own personal safety,” Schiff said.

Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), one of the committee’s leaders, responded to Trump’s Truth Social post, saying she believes the former president intends to jail them when he takes office.

“One of the things that I observed during our Jan. 6 committee work was that when Trump says something, he intends to do it,” Lofgren said. “I take that lesson to heart. When he says various things, I think that’s what he means he’ll do.”

House Democratic Caucus Chairman Rep. Pete Aguilar (D-CA) said he took the former president’s alleged threat seriously. Aguilar, however, noted that the jail where he could potentially end up is close to the Capitol and that his family will visit him often.

“My family has told me that they’re going to come to D.C. either way — and they’ll visit me, no matter where I am,” Aguilar said.

A spokesperson for the former president dismissed their fears while insisting that the committee members have been engaging in a narrative of lies.

“Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Liz Cheney, and the Corrupt Democrats on the sham January 6th Committee have lied to the American public for years, denied key witnesses from testifying to the truth, and covered up evidence that proved President Trump, nor any of his supporters, ever engaged in an alleged’ insurrection.’ Their entire narrative is a lie and Americans know that Joe Biden is the true threat to democracy,” the spokesperson said.

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