Man Sues IBM Company For Alleged Discrimination

Daily Report May 11,2024

IBM (International Business Machines) owned company “Red Hat” has been sued for allegedly discriminating against a white male employee identified as Allan Kingsley Wood.

The lawsuit was filed by America First Legal (AFL), which is headed by former president Donald Trump’s ex-official Stephen Miller.

“Today, we are taking action on behalf of a courageous plaintiff against his former employer, filing a lawsuit in federal court to get justice for our client and to stop this flagrantly lawless and bigoted conduct,” Miller said. “We are suing IBM to right egregious wrongs, fight corporate racism and deliver accountability in the face of momentous injustice.”

The lawsuit, filed with the U.S. District Court in Idaho, alleges that IBM fired Wood because he is a white man. According to the lawsuit, Wood was a loyal, dedicated and skilled employee of eight years from 2015-2023 who performed the role of Senior Director for Red Hat.

According to the lawsuit, the diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiative within Red Hat prioritizes skin color and race as primary hiring factors.

The lawsuit linked Wood’s termination to an announcement Red Hat made concerning its Bold DEI Goals. The goals included a target by 2008 to have a workforce of 30 percent female worldwide and 30 percent associates of color in the U.S.

The lawsuit claims that Wood never received a negative review before his termination. The plaintiff was highly lauded, had a stellar record and was on a leadership path.

In addition, Wood says that Red Hat granted him a leave of absence to attend to his sick wife under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) last July. However, the leave was terminated four days later, even though FMLA allows employees to take up to three months off to care for a family member suffering from illness.

Multiple reports claim that this is not the only allegation that Red Hat was engaging in discriminatory practices. The lawsuit cited video footage of IBM CEO Arvind Krishna and Red Hat CEO Paul Cormier discussing diversity.

A whistleblower leaked the video to American activist James O’Keefe. The leaked video shows Krishna asking managers to diversify their staff, which means they hire non-whites or risk losing their bonuses.

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