Lawmaker’s Outrageous Threat Brings Hunter Biden Hearing To Grinding Halt 

Daily Report March 21,2024

A Hearing on First Son Hunter Biden’s foreign business deals and his father, President Joe Biden’s, potential involvement was brought to a standstill after Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) made a surprising request.

The House Oversight and Accountability Committee held the hearing, with Hunter’s ex-business associates Bobulinski and Jason Galanis appearing as witnesses. Raskin brought the hearing to an abrupt halt when he threatened to subpoena Bobulinski’s Blackberry phone, which contained messages with Hunter Biden and Oneida Holdings partners.

“We’ve heard for months now and seen photos of that Blackberry with the cracked screen. Does the committee have in its possession the data from Mr. Bobulinski’s phone from which we allegedly have taken these pictures?” Raskin asked. “I think we need the data that they keep referring to. Maybe Mr. Bobulinski could just turn it over to us or we could subpoena it today?”

House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman Rep. James Comer (R-KY) noted that Bobulinski had provided pictures of all the text messages. Raskin, however, refused to back down, arguing that Bobulinski only selected screenshots of images he wanted the House to see.

“Of course, he has just given us the one’s he has selected. I’m wondering whether we could get all of these texts. I’d move that we subpoena Mr. Bobulinski’s Blackberry phone on which the messages with Hunter Biden and Oneida Holdings partners are saved. He’s stated that he is willing to provide it to the committee so it should be rather simple,” Raskin continued.

House Judiciary Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) stepped in and requested that Raskin’s request be put to a vote. Comer held a voice vote on whether Raskin’s motion should be tabled, with Raskin losing the vote.

However, Raskin remained unsatisfied and called for a recorded vote on the motion.

“Mr. Chairman what we are doing here is we are tabling evidence that you keep relying on so I am going to ask for a recorded vote for that. That just makes no sense,” Raskin said.

Comer then ordered a recorded vote per Raskin’s request. Comer’s order, however, led to further delays as the clerk was not on seat to take the votes.

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