Lawmaker Reveals What Is Needed For Trump Victory 

Daily Report April 14,2024

With the 2024 presidential election drawing ever so close, former President Donald Trump’s chance of retaking the White House continues to soar.

The latest reports show that the former president is leading his rival, President Joe Biden, in several swing states. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), however, believes that Trump will win in 2024 if everyone does their part.

Blackburn, in an interview with Breitbart News Saturday, urged voters to make sure they and their friends are registered.

“They need to be sure their friends are registered to vote. They can go to their county election office,” Blackburn said. “They can pick up voter registration forms. They can help individuals get registered to vote. and they should do that. Then they need to be talking to them about the election, sending them good information that they may not be seeing if they’re watching mainstream media or CNN, one of those.”

Blackburn, who could possibly be the former president’s running mate, suggested that if the entire Breitbart News audience commits to getting 10 people each to vote for Trump, Republicans will win more than the White House.


“They need to be sure their friends go and vote early. And if all of your listeners would commit to getting at least, you know, 10, 20 people registered to vote and making certain that they vote, then not only would we have the White House, we would have the Senate, we would have the House and we would pick up seats in the state legislatures,” the lawmaker added.

Several reports have shown that Trump’s 2024 campaign is running more efficiently than his previous campaigns. Blackburn agreed with that sentiment, adding that the former president is doing better than the polls suggest.

“I think he’s running better than where the polls are. And he is going to have coattails. So what helps build those coattails so that we do save this country, and I hope all of your listeners will follow my race,” Blackburn said. “We’re going to do everything we can do to make certain that Donald Trump wins in November and is the next President of the United States.”