Joe Biden’s Gaffe Lands Him In Trouble Again 

Daily Report April 11,2024

President Joe Biden’s latest gaffe landed him in hot water again, with many on social media tearing into the former president.

Biden, while speaking at a joint White House press conference with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, claimed he was in the 20th century.

“Elect me, I’m in the 20th century,” Biden said when asked about Arizona’s new abortion law.

While the president later corrected himself, many on X blasted him for the embarrassing gaffe.

“Biden finally got something right. He said, ‘I’m in the 20th century,’” commentator and author Jim Rickards wrote on X. “Well, that was about the last time he wasn’t senile.”


“Biden says that you should elect him because he’s “in the 20th century,”

Robby Starbuck wrote on X. “Call me crazy but I say don’t elect a guy who isn’t sure what century he’s in.”

Steve Cortes, Fox News contributor and founder of League of America Workers, insisted no one would let Biden run for reelection if he Biden was their grandparent.

“If this was your elderly parent or grandparent, you would pull them off the stage. Not allow them to run for reelection of the most powerful country on Earth,” Cortes wrote on X.

The official X account of the Citizen Free Press maintained that Joe Biden “is so gone.”

Biden is so gone. He just told voters to elect him because he’s living “in the 20th century,” the account stated.

“It’s hard to take him seriously when he’s stumbling all over the place, he can’t remember the word Congress,” Power said. “You put him out in front of the television cameras, and he stuffs up.”

“He’s lost. He has no memory. This is dangerous for the world to reelect this guy,” one X user wrote.

Libs of TikTok, a popular conservative X account famous for trolling leftist ideology, noted that Biden has access to the nuclear codes.

“We are in the 21st century. This guy has the nuclear codes,” the post read.