Ex-CENTCOM Commander Warns of Inevitable Threat To The US

Daily Report April 03,2024

Former U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) Commander Gen. Frank McKenzie made a shocking revelation on the level of threats America faces at the hands of ISIS.

McKenzie made the remarks during a Sunday interview on ABC News “This Week” with Martha Raddatz, warning that ISIS has a strong urge to attack America.

McKenzie told Raddatz that his successor, General Michael Kurilla, was right when he said ISIS-K is capable and willing to attack the U.S. and Western interests abroad in as little as six months and with little or no warning.

“I think General Kurilla is spot on with that assessment,” McKenzie responded. “Here’s the problem. Again, we go back to ISIS-K. If you can keep pressure on them that they’re in their homeland and their base, it makes it hard for them to conduct these types of attacks.”

McKenzie added that the threat ISIS poses is growing and has gotten stronger since President Joe Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal.


“I think the threat is growing,” McKenzie said. “It began to grow as soon as we left Afghanistan; it took pressure off ISIS-K. So we should expect further attempts of this nature against the United States as well as our partners and other nations abroad,” McKenzie said.

McKenzie added that the U.S. maintains a large enough military presence in Iraq and Syria to counter extremists in those nations. The former CENTCOM commander insisted that Joe Biden’s refusal to station a small troop in Afghanistan contributed significantly to the threat ISIS poses to the country.

“Leaving 2,500 troops, along with our NATO partners, who would have left 4,000 or 5,000 troops,” he said. “We would have been able to continue to work against ISIS, which was the principal reason we’re in Afghanistan, to prevent attacks in our homeland. I think we might be in a different place now. I think we might be safer than we are.”

McKenzie’s warning comes after the terror group struck Moscow last month, killing over 100 people inside a mall.