Hunter Biden Unveils Next Legal Move 

Daily Report April 30,2024

Embattled first son Hunter Biden added to his mounting legal issues after he revealed that he would be suing Fox News over its reporting on the first son.

Mark Geragos —the attorney representing Hunter Biden— has issued a warning to Fox Corporation and Fox News Digital, stating their intent to seek damages over the network’s alleged “conspiracy and subsequent actions to defame the first son.

Geragos’s letter is seeking damage over the network’s unlicensed commercial exploitation of Hunter’s image, name, and likeness and the unlawful publication of hacked intimate images taken from the laptop from hell.

Hunter’s main claim against Fox concerns the network’s reporting on the alleged $10 million bribe the first son and his father, President Joe Biden,  received from the owner of Burisma.

The first son’s attorney claimed the network intentionally claimed the bribery allegation was credible when it had not been verified. The letter, which gives Fox News until 26 to respond, is demanding retractions and corrections from several anchors, including Sean Hannity, Maria Bartiromo and Jesse Watters. The network has, however, not responded.

The letter also demanded that Fox News take down its six-part “mock trial” titled “The Trial of Hunter Biden.” Hunter’s attorney claims the series used  “intimate images” that were “hacked, stolen, and/or manipulated in the series.

“While using certain true information, the series intentionally manipulates the facts, distorts the truth, narrates happenings out of context, and invents dialogue intended to entertain. Thus, the viewer of the series cannot decipher what is fact and what is fiction,” the letter reads.

Geragos, in a statement, accused the network of conducting a five-year campaign of relentlessly attacking his client.

“For the last five years, Fox News has relentlessly attacked Hunter Biden and made him a caricature in order to boost ratings and for its financial gain,” Geragos said in a statement. “The recent indictment of FBI informant Smirnov has exposed the conspiracy of disinformation that has been fueled by Fox, enabled by their paid agents and monetized by the Fox enterprise. We plan on holding them accountable.”

Tina Glandian, a partner at the Geragos and Geragos law firm working on the case, signed the letter.

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